Our Zombie Survival Plan

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This is our survival plan and what we would in order to survive:

1. Go for shelter a boat even cause they can’t really swim  (My friend already decided he wants to turn his garage into our shelter ha ha ha)

2.Go for Weapons like axes, shovels, crows,etc. Guns too, but they never run out of ammunition so we will defiantly get those.  (but only when things start to settle, so that we don’t get killed; my friend every dies cause they kill each other for weapons)

3.Gofor Food and Medical Supplies (we would go to the nears sams/costco, get things in bulk, plus everyone would more likely go to supermarkets)

4. Transportation (Truck a huge truck to run over any zombies we come across or boat to travel cause they can’t really swim)

So far that’s our list, but feel free to add your tips/advise!

World War Z

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So this past week a few friends decided they wanted to go to the movies, so we did.  We ended up seeing World War Z, I wanted and didn’t want to see.  I hate scary movies, mainly because they scare me. Hahaha.  But at the same time I had wanted to see the movie, to see what it was about.  Plus my friends are obsessed with Zombies, so it was a must see.

Personally I liked movie it wasn’t amazing, but I didn’t feel I wasted money at the theatre.  My favorite part was the ride home, the entire way we was us coming up with our plan on how we would have done to survive.  If you saw the movie you know the answer, because they tell.  But I’m not to give away endings, so I wont share. I’ll give a list on my next post of what we would do in order survive, of course the plans are never set in stone.  The best was my friend Modelo (his nickname/his fav. beer) now wants to turn his garage into a shelter for when the Zombies attack.  He said it’s the perfect size, has space him to start storing his guns, as well as food, and everything he would need.

Fun Two Days Off

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So I had the last two days off and I swear it was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.  My first day, I got to go to the gym and finally tried Zumba.  And I had a blast!  I mean I felt as though I was the most uncoordinated person ever, but I still had an amazing workout.  Don’t get me wrong I can dance, but it was really weird to adjust.  I guess because I’m a perfectionist and I felt as though  I had to get my form down perfect.  So as I was taking the class I had to remind myself that I wasn’t weightlifting.  All in all I had a blast at Zumba and would totally do it again. 

On my second day I went with some friends to the beach.  We got to spend the entire day just relaxing enjoy the water and sun.  I had been dying to go to the beach, the only thing that killed it was I got stung by a bee.  My friend had kept saying “watch out for bee’s when were walking back to the car.  So all I heard the ride home was, “I told you to watch out.” I swear it was not a fun way to end two perfect days.  STUPID BEES!

Still Talking Zombies

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It’s Friday and I am enjoying my day off.  Got to sleep in a little bit, went to the gym and now enjoying a great lunch.  I got to say now that I don’t live in the Bay going to the gym is a little weird.  I mean I got spoiled having a small private gym that I didn’t have to pay to go to.  I could just show up when ever I felt like it.  Plus not going to lie I miss those crazy annoying fool I use to work with.  Although they always got on my nerves, I still SOMETIMES miss them.  I mean all the Zombie talks and strategies they had would blow my mind.  The funny thing is that even when I moved back I came home to people who were talking about Zombies.  I just can’t seem to get away from it.  I don’t mind though I figure that if there is a Zombie Apocalypse I’ll be ready.  It’s so bad that I best friend, her kids, and her man talk about Zombies.


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Hey Everyone,

Things have been pretty hectic and crazy in may world.  Its been a long time since my last post, so I deeply apologize for the disappearance.  I don’t blame you all if you hate me.  I hope that those of you that use to read my blog will come back and enjoy, those that have never read my blog welcome. 

I am sure you all can understand life can get a little crazy at times so you tend to neglect the little things.  Since my last post back in October a lot has been going on in my little world.  Big changes have occurred and I have not figured out if it’s for the better yet.  I am no longer in the Bay area, I have moved back to So Cal.  I know I was sad to say goodbye, but similar to many recent college graduates the job market sucks!  But don’t worry I am sure that’s a topic you all know about or can relate to, recent grad or not. 

Well you start to read my post again, and I promise I will do my best to post as often as possible, defiantly not leave you for a long period of time.  So stay tuned.

Trainers and Candy

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Sorry I haven’t posted in a while everyone things have been getting crazy busy at work for once.  I just been going and going, I am sure you all can relate.  I mean I know that working at gym that does personal training doesn’t seem like we get that busy, but we do.  We have a lot of laugh, but sometimes we gotta buckle down and get things done to keep business going.

So we have had a few crazy things going.  Example this weekend we have a Halloween event going on so we spent the past few days putting bags of candy together and stapling them to flyers.  This way we can hopefully get more kids in our classes as well as their parents.  I mean who doesn’t want to go to work and staple candy to flyers all day.  The problem wasn’t getting it all done it was fighting off the vultures.  I have been trying to keep the guys away from eating the candy all week.  For being trainers you would think they try not to eat a lot of candy, but they really do.  They tried anything and everything to try to get the candy.  I had to hide it near the cleaning supplies they never look their.

Acting Lessons!!!

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Well it’s a new week and ready it’s started off interesting.  Today at work we got our very own mini group acting lessons from a client.  My boss had asked, “Have you ever gotten on a plane and got the feeling something bad was going to happen and you need to get off?”  Our client had mentioned that if you get off a plane after the doors are shut you get find something like $20,000, but he said that if you have a heart attack then you wont get fined.  So now my boss and co-workers were trying to practice faking a heart attack.  Only problem is they can’t act, and when they tried they died laughing.  Gym trainers giving advice on acting is just ridiculous, especially when the client that’s training does some acting.  So he was just laughing the guys trying to act, he then gave them so,e pointers and the guys just couldn’t take it seriously.  I mean come you’re trying to teach guys that talk about zombie apocalypse.  Well at least this week has started of with some laughs.

Why Are You So Difficult?

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Whats funny about being one of the only girl at my job is not only the Zombie talks, but when the guys ask me for advice on girls.  The guys don’t come to me for advice, but when they do it always makes me kind of laugh.  For example, one of the guys today asked me, “Why do women always tell me to they just need me to listen, but then they tell me why don’t you give me any advice?”  And when I tried to explain it he just wouldn’t listen.  So I had to tell him “Why are you going to ask me for advice, but you’re not even going to consider what I’m saying.”

I tell the guys first not all women are the same. I tell them that a women wants you to not only listen to what she’s saying, but to be engaged in the conversation.  She wants to know that you care enough to ask questions and are curious as to what she is talking about.  All I get in response is, “Well why do you women have to be so difficult?”  All I can do is laugh and tell them that although you say women are difficult, guys are just as complicated at times.  So maybe one the guys will understand what I am saying.  For now they are to worried about who can lift more weight, what football game is on, and how to survive a zombie apocalypse.

Comics and Baseball Cards

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So I come to work this morning to find my office space at the gym filled with comics and baseball cards.  Everywhere I looked even in drawers there was a comic or a baseball card.  I thought it was a prank, but come to find out nope my boss really put them there because he had no more room in his apartment.  So instead of his apartment full of his stuff it has to be in my office space.  I told him he can’t complain when I have boxes and clutter in my office space anymore, because at least my clutter has to do with the gym files.  So this morning me and him spent the time finding places to store all his comics so they aren’t in the way.  It only took a few hours, because he started focusing on looking through the comics rather than putting them away.  I told him to focus and he says, “I’m looking for good ones to put out for reading material for clients in the restroom and waiting area.”  I swear sometimes I wonder how I ended up working here, but at least I get some good laughs out of it.

My office Space

Monday Monday Monday

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Well its the beginning of the week and so far no zombie talk, hope im not speaking too soon.  I don’t know about you, but Mondays to me are kind of bummer.  I mean it means the weekends over and there’s a bunch of work stuff to do.  I mean training clients after they had two days off can be a little rough to get them motivated.  I mean some of them do train Saturdays, but that’s not always the case.  We usually have more bootcamps, birthday parties, and other events going rather than one on one training.  All in all it’s still fun.  Usually we try to make a competition between our clients.  This way they can get motivated to compete with each other.

The Do You Think You Can Workout?

Best Time wins

25 burpees

25 Squat over head press up

70 high knees

30 bicep curls

20 walking lunges

5  “20”yard sprints

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